Before the age of TV and then computers, children were generally engaged in some sort of physical activity in the open air. Games such as:
* Blind man's buff
* British Bulldog
* Cops & Robbers
* Hopscotch
* Skipping
* Leapfrog
All of the foregoing would probably have a familiar ring for most parents today - but to children today it sounds like a foreign language! Times have changed, and not only computer ganes Wii are being embraced by them, but now also Mixxit and Twitter rule the roost. Many parents do now know what has hit them.
For young people, the change is very significant in the way it has impacted on their style of handwriting, simply because they are using their "extremities" - arms, hands, legs and feet in a different way. To the casual observer, the changes may not even be noticed. But at a deeper level, the behavioural changes can be profound, and have far-reaching implications.
For example, there is no doubt that this is shown in the way that children express themselves at an emotional level, and in turn, this very emotion in one form or another is strongly reflected in their handwriting.
Experts in the field of Handwriting Analysis will easily be able to pick up even subtle changes. The important signals they would need to recognise, include:
* Poor self-image - a lack of confidence
* A lack of vitality - pointing to potential underlying health issues
* Being strongly inhibited in a social setting
Although psychology, and some specialist psychologists in particular, can point to the reasons why people behave in certain ways, there is something singularly unique about a child's handwriting that can accurately reflect their current state of mind, character and temperament.
Although it is not the final arbiter, having a really poor handwriting at an early age may well point to a problem that will need professional help. However, the issue may not be serious enough to warrant that sort of intervention. At school level, the good news is that help is at hand for the caring parent.
If the school teachers are not correcting what may be wrong, the handwriting problem will require patience an application from mom or dad - which may be very difficult in the constantly busy world of today where both parents tend to be at work, and children are left to their own devices. However, it is worth the tears and tantrums if some of the problems which may occur later in life are to be avoided.
Children at school, when in primary school, assuming they have access to good education, are taught how to form their letters of the alphabet according to an established pattern. Their skill and dexterity are built up over a long period.
However, the sad fact in our modern society, is that the early grades teachers are themselves not well equipped to teach "cursive" writing. Indeed, it is sad to report that some schools seem to have veritably given up, and introduced the use of "block" printing.
My sense is that they may well have lost the plot, and this may not be the right path to follow. The bottom line: "Children who can't write properly, can't read properly." The very ACT of writing is inculcated deep in our psyche at a very early age. It can only therefore be concluded that writing is cardinal to developing a young person's brain functions.
Doing the job of learning to write properly can be shown to improve a child's self-control, and may even be instrumental in controlling Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD & ADHD) and other learning disorders.
It matters little WHAT your son or daughter writes - as long as he or she puts pen to paper - it is that simple! This is because it has been shown in practise that the fine mental motor activity involved in the act of handwriting plays a major role in training the young brain. Having achieved that, this then taps into an individual's innate capacity to communicate through language.
Finally, it can justifiably be claimed that the benefits of paying attention to encouraging handwriting - preferably good handwriting - are measurable and manifold, including the child's ability to focus on subjects which need intense focus, especially maths, and then intelligent reading. Why not make a difference whilst there is still time?
Colin Dovey is a specialist small business coach and Teen Mentor. He works with people in a unique way, drawing on a range of unusual skills acquired in the testing cauldron of high-level management over many years. Using Handwriting Analysis as a foundation to determine latent talents, he helps people to hone their talents and eliminate their potential sticking points on the road of life. His ability to guide people who feel stuck, is the key to many people making a leap forward to their heart's desire. His E-mail address is and he has a good example of one of the web sites he has developed recently