
Learning to Be Responsible

The one phrase which every person gets to hear once he/she grows up is - "when will you learn to be responsible" or "when are you going to become responsible". This phrase has become so common that everyone keeps asking us this question time and again. What is being responsible and who should we are responsible for? This is a question which plagues our mind always. Responsibility has a different meaning and as such it is difficult to define the word, however, the dictionary meaning of responsibility is - the state of being accountable for something. Responsibility includes accountability, decision-making and good judgment.
Being responsible means a person has to be mature in thoughts, be aware of things, make good efforts and be kind to others. These are some of the traits which children and teenagers have to develop in course of time. It's a learning process which will take time for the children to develop. However, here are a few ways
which can accelerate the learning process.
1. Learn from elders - our parents are the best people to teach us responsibility. Look out for the various clues and identify what they did, how they did and how they felt by doing it. Example - when your father pays for the fees of your school/college, he expects that you study well and excel in your academics. Being a father, he has completed his share of responsibility by providing for your education.
2. Examples of responsible behavior - there are many examples of responsible behavior which we can see in our daily lives. List them and see what you learnt from it. Example - your mom makes you a sumptuous breakfast, dad buys you a vehicle to ride to college. These are very simple examples. You can in turn behave responsible by cleaning up your room, helping your mom in some daily chores, helping your siblings in studies etc.
3. Take the opportunity to prove yourself - there will be many opportunities which you can use to prove that you are responsible. Do not let the elders at home tell you to do something; instead voluntarily lend your helping hand, which will let them know that you are being responsible.
Youngsters are often commented on not being responsible. Learning to be responsible by these very simple ways can help you to prove to your parents that you are learning the art of being responsible and that elders can trust you hereafter.
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