It's summer time again and the kids are excited about all the stuff they want to do. This time of the year the weather is great and we begin to plan our barbecues and picnics for the 4th of July and beyond.
There are plenty summer camps available but some parents are preparing for pool parties and other outdoor activities for their little ones.
Summer is probably the "most looked forward to" season of the year for kids. They are away from school for approximately 10 weeks. There is no homework and bedtime is usually overlooked during this time.
Although it can be a fun time for our children, whether they are at kindergarten or high school, we still need to have a balance.
Teachers at all levels in the education system constantly complain about the loss of knowledge when children return in September.
There is an old saying which says "All play and no work makes Jack/Jill a dull child." Summer holiday is a long period away from school and this can be detrimental to our children if not handled the correct way.
Having a balance simply means with all the fun that is going on, your child should still have at least an hour of study time daily. This can be reading a chapter from a book or simply just refreshing his memory with Math or any other subject.
The younger minds can be stimulated through educational T.V. shows, DVDs games and reading.
I see this system as a "win-win" situation. He is better prepared for school next semester and he still gets to do all the fun stuff during summer.
The hour you choose for study time should be early in the morning after breakfast. Obviously, he is fresh and the time should be productive.
You do not want him grabbing the books at 7:00 pm after he is exhausted from all the activities during the day. He will not be 100% focused and the brain has already begun to shut down.
I suggest you implement it this summer. You are not taking anything away from your them. In fact, you are assisting them to a better upcoming school year.
I am sure he will be more prepared and settled when the new school year begins. His brain would obviously be relaxed but still stimulated from a great summer and that one hour a day of study time..
Fay Garner-Barrow is the founder of Dora the Explorer Adventures. As a strong believer of learning through play, she designed this website to educate parents with preschoolers and young children. This website also offer Dora The Explorer party supplies, toys, books, DVDs Dora the Explorer video and more.