
The Best Way of Making Comprehension Cubes

What are comprehension cubes? These are dices that are aimed at providing an entertaining approach to teaching. Additionally, they play a major role in all stages of reading. Students and growing up children are offered pre-reading, post-reading and onset reading approaches that give them an opportunity to question and analyze texts with a deeper understanding. Oddly enough, teachers can use cubes as a way of exciting children about reading. These dices offer game like strategies that keep the students and children interested in following along. This in return helps them become active participants in class or even in other small groupings. Keep reading this article and learn the best ways you can use to make these dices with much ease.

‧ Things Required: First and foremost, it is worthwhile for you to have the right materials that will be required in facilitating the process of making these dices. These include: three wooden cubes and paint/makers.

‧ Making the Purchases: If you do not have the materials required on hand, simply visit a craft store and buy them. Then commence by painting each dice with a different color. Make sure you have few questions with you which you will easily put on each painted dice, until you have a total of 6 questions.

‧ Reading Comprehension Questions: This step requires you to simply write down reading comprehension questions that will be used as pre-reading strategies on 1 dice. This way, your students will be provided with prior knowledge and ideas. Ensure that you provide them with clues that they can easily use in finding the meaning of words that are unfamiliar to them. Your ideas maybe in form of; genre in which the story is from; setting of the story; the author and so forth.

‧ Creation of During Reading Cube: Doing this for students gives them an opportunity to apply approaches that will result for a better understanding of the story at hand as they proceed on reading. Ensure that your questions include options such as: what are the qualities of the primary actor? The relevance of the story? How the problem is to be solved? The main aim of the author? etc. Take time to re-read the paragraph in order to come up with a summary of the story.

‧ Creation of After Reading Cube: As a teacher, come up with a dice containing after reading questions that will provide the children with post reading approaches. The students can then involve themselves in discussing and recapping the events. For instance the questions can be: what was the main cause of the problem in the first place? What lesson did the story impact on you? If it were you, how could you have solved the problem? What relevance was it to the author to end the story in that manner?

‧ Introduction of the Cubes: Once all the above has been achieved, it is now time to present the cubes to the students during a class reading lesson or in a small reading group. Make sure you give them detailed directions on how to use the dice.

For a growing up kid, Anatex play cube plays a major role as an introduction to counting and lettering whereas letting your child use anatex cube can help greatly in strengthening his motor skills.

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