Are you a teenager looking for a job? Don't know where to start? You have come to the right place. Follow the following steps to make job hunting a very easy and painless process.
1- List Your Options - At first you may be very overwhelmed with the amount of options available. You might not know the first place to look or where to even begin. This is why it is always helpful to make a list. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I will make a list of all the options I have or all the things I need to do. This can be especially helpful in your job search. Make a list of every single option for a job you can think of. Whether you think you may select it or not, it is helpful to make this list to view a full spectrum of your situation.
2- List What You Want Out Of Your Job - Again, it is time for a list. This time, list every quality that your dream job would have. Whether this means flexible hours, work from home opportunity, or good pay, you need to list it all. It is important to be very comprehensive with this list, so again, you can get the full picture.
3- Compare Your First Two Lists - Now that you have a list of potential jobs, and a list of what you prefer in a job, it is time to compare. Put both lists side by side and try to determine which of the jobs you listed truly meets the criteria that you set out in the second list. Of course, you may never find a job that meets every single criteria you presented, but the key is to find the job that best fits what you want.
4- Develop Your Best 5 Options - Now that you have compared your two lists, it is time to filter it down to the best 5 options, in your opinion. This will help you to narrow the list down, and really start to zero in on which job you want.
5- Sleep On It - Finally, sleep on it. Once you have your 5 options, take a day or two to really let the options sink in. Then, make your decision, and sleep on it again. This is a big choice, and should be decided with care and consideration.
If you sleep on it and the job is still what you desire, then it is time to apply!