
Dyslexia Indicators For Children In Elementary School

While there are many indicators to dyslexia, it does not mean however that your child is dyslexic. Some children many learn at different speeds than other children their age. There are many indications that can point to the potential of a child with dyslexia.

Dyslexic Habits In Children

Some of the main indicators for children that are having difficulties with possible dyslexia could be them coming home from school exhausted at the beginning of the year, semester or term. They may not want to go to school or get apprehensive when school holidays end.

Possible Indicators For Dyslexia

While the physical indicators may fit any child there are other indicators that will help in determining if your child is dyslexic. Sight words can be a great way to determine if a child is dyslexic. Problems with recognizing sight words, taking longer than 4 months to learn their sight words or is slow to write his name can all be indicators.

When a child is learning to write and they have issues with mixing up letters as in writing them backwards or upside down for instance p being written as q, d, b. They will also have a tendency to write words together without spaces.

Reading Indicators

When a child with dyslexia reads you can hear the different indicators showing they are having difficulties with reading. When a child skips complete words while reading, or shorten longer words to short simple words for example instead of saying 'from' they may say 'for'. They may also confuse letter sounds when trying to sound out words, using 'sh' instead of 'ch'. The child may also read words backwards such as, 'saw' instead of 'was'.

Following Commands

Children with dyslexia tend to have problems following directions. They frequently confuse their right with their left. They are unable to follow a series of commands. They may even have issues with dressing themselves properly.

Writing Indicators

When it comes to studies a child with dyslexia will need a quiet place to concentrate, they become easily distracted and work may not get done. Their writing skills take long to develop. When copying from a whiteboard they may take longer to write letters or parts of words. They cannot copy a series of words, or places them out of order.

Numbers And Shapes

Other indicators for children with dyslexia would be they are easily confused by math symbols such as x and +. They will show confusion with geometrical shapes and numbers such as 1's, 10's and 100's.

When determining if your child is dyslexic or not there are several indicators. Slow learning of sight words, slow to write their own name, difficulties reading and pronouncing new words, and issues with shapes and numbers are all signs of dyslexia, and good indicators to have your child tested.

If you are looking for resources on dyslexia and for teaching sheets to help dyslexia in children go to the web site http://www.helpingchildrenwithdyslexia.com/

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