An average of 3 kids get seriously drunk in NSW that they would require paramedics to take them to a hospital. Calls to paramedics exceeded a thousand last year for emergencies which were related to alcohol like excessive vomiting or loss of consciousness. These calls were for those under 18 years of age. The rise in underage drinking in the country down under is serious enough that the media has taken notice of this and regularly reports about incidents relation to this habit.
Mike Daube, Director of the McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth, says "The figures presented to the public do not include call-outs for indirect alcohol problems such as falls, fights. This is a frightening tip of the iceberg."
"It's even more worrying than it looks, given that it is only the very worst cases - those children who are utterly, disastrously drunk and at immediate risk," he said. "What kind of a society are we turning into where children under 12 are taken to hospital in an ambulance because of their drinking?"
Research also showed that 80% of alcohol consumption among 14 to 24 year olds was done dangerously. This was last year's figures and for 2011 this might even be higher.
What should be done to this rising problem?
Underage drinking can be prevented by limiting promotion and availability of alcoholic drinks to those below 18 years of age. Taxation according to alcohol volume can also be a deterrent since young people don't have so much money. If they want more alcohol the tax imposed will add more to the cost.
There should also be control of media that attracts young people to drink alcohol. Alcohol drinking should not be encouraged by media.
These are just some of the measures that government can implement to prevent underage drinking.
Parent's Participation
A lot of parents allow young people to drink alcohol in the home especially during occasions. Drinking habits start in the home. Although a lot of parents feel that they are guiding their children when they allow alcohol drinking at home, this can pass on as a "go" signal that it is also okay to drink outside the home with friends. The message of approval may be taken wrong by the children who can prove to be disastrous when the habit starts.
Burnet Institute's head of alcohol and other drug research says that it relevant to distinguish between different age groups. Paul Dietze says that,"Realistically, by the time they are 16 almost everybody has initiated drinking," Dietze's research showed that 16-18 year olds who drank alcohol provided by parents rather than their peers drank less. Teenagers should be taught and reminded to drink responsibly at all times.
Parents should observe their children and see if they have a drinking habit. Underage drinking can best be prevented from the home more than anywhere else.
Weenie Rifareal is an Asian homebased online worker dealing with SEO, internet marketing and article writing. A forum to exchange views and opinions of underage drinking can be found at