
Keeping Your Family's Traits

In a place like the United States parents have diverse cultures and customs. A very high percentage of these parents believe strongly in keeping their traits intact and passing them to their children. It is very important to know how to do this, because is something that would stay with a child for the rest of his/her life. Since birth is always good to start implementing step by step traits into a child's life. To begging with, is a good idea to have toys that are meaningful, like dolls for example. These are a great way to start because children often get very attached to their first toys.

In addition a parent should also introduce a child to music. Music is the gateway to a child's emotions and this would be another great tool. Music is also the linking point between a child and language which could be very beneficial and educational. What else do we think when we say music? Dancing! Of course, there is nothing better than seeing a child enjoy dancing to a song that is cultural meaningful. Although music and dance are relevant, the most important and perhaps the most difficult step in maintaining culture is teaching a child to eat all kinds of foods. In particular those typical dishes which often look to a child like their worst nightmare! The trick to achieve this is to take small steps. Do not sit a child in front of a giant plate with everything in it; this would only scare them away. A small portion is the ideal way to approach it and is also important to sit down next to the child and allow him/her to see that the parent is also sharing that moment.

Is perhaps good to also let the child notice a parent is eating the same food, that way they would be more comfortable with every bite they take. These are just a few ideas to help maintain the culture and traits inside a family. There is no better feeling to a parent then seeing their child being proud of their background, especially when such thing is so significant. Let it start with a simple toy and build up to more complex situations, the only thing a parent should maintain is persistence, do not give up! Just imagine a child dancing, singing, eating and enjoying those nice family moments mainly the holidays.

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