Top 10 Must Haves:
These are the essentials that should be on every mother-to-be's registry.
1) Baby Monitors With Multiple Handsets
These are an obvious necessity so that you are not running in and out of the nursery all the time checking on your baby. If you have the budget for it, the video monitors are wonderful. With these, you mount the tiny camera above the crib and are able to see your baby at all times. Video monitors are great because when you hear baby cry, you can see on the screen what they are up to to know if you actually need to go in or if they will go back to sleep.
2) Several Sets of Sheets and Waterproof Pads
You will need lots of these unless you want to be doing laundry every day. A great idea is to have 3 sheets separated by waterproof pads on at all times. You can pull them off quickly in the middle of the night if needed without having to remake the bed every time.
3) Pacifiers, Pacifiers, and More Pacifiers
You really can't have too many of these. Get enough that you can have them in several different places and replace lost ones (yes, they will get lost). Gumdrop Pacis are great. You can't buy them in stores, but they will give them to you in the hospital and you can order more online.
4) Diapers
In the first year, the average baby goes through 2,788 diapers. Wow. So stock up! Especially if you have a boy, also stock up on the nighttime diapers. If you are going the cloth diaper route, you will need to stock up on detergent!
5) Swaddlers or Sleepsacks
These are warm and cuddly just like blankets but can't be kicked off, helping your baby to sleep soundly throughout the night. They give your baby a warm, cozy, protected feeling.
6) Digital Quick Read Thermometer
Make sure the one you choose has multiple sets for your growing baby (oral, rectal, armpit attachments). Being easy to read is essential.
7) Diaper Caddy
This is a movable caddy with a place for a changing pad and diapers. It's nice to have one in the main area of your house so you aren't always running to the nursery to change diapers. Especially if you have a two-story house and spend lots of time downstairs, this mobile station will save you a lot of time.
8) White Noise Machine
You have several different options here, and the one you choose is up to you. The noise is great to drown out sounds when the baby is sleeping. You can either just get a straight noise machine, or even better, a humidifier or air purifier, which would work double duty.
9) Recliner or Glider
You will spend more hours than you probably care to imagine in this chair in your nursery nursing or rocking your baby back to sleep. People spend so much time trying to get the most stylish chair that matches their nursery, but the most important thing to remember is that it needs to be comfortable. There will be many times that you doze off in this chair, so choose a comfortable one.
10) Sling or Baby Carrier
These have become very popular because it allows a mother to do things she needs to do around the house while "wearing" her baby. When your baby wants to be held, but you have other responsibilities to take care of, these allow you to multitask.
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