
Radiate As Your Beautiful Self With Three Practices

Have you been in love before?

I am referring to the type of love that takes your breath away. People can bring this feeling to you and so can activities. Some people call it "the zone."

Have you been there before?

Can you bring yourself back to that place and time right now?

This is when you radiate. The glow of your skin and the shine in your eyes can be found when you feel love and when you get into the zone. This is when you are the most beautiful.

Do you want to get there again?

Check out these three beautiful tips to help you radiate on command.

The First Practice to Radiate

Radiating is when you are shining your light into the world. We can absolutely control this; it is at our command. One great way to radiate right away is to notice when someone else is radiating. Babies constantly radiate as they have yet to learn how to dim their own light. Watch a baby with a silent mind and you will naturally begin to radiate. When you notice someone who is radiating, compliment their beauty and this will magnify right back to you.

The Second Practice to Radiate

Your diet and exercise affect how you radiate. Eating raw foods, salads and grains, will increase your light. Engaging in a regular exercise program will get your blood flowing and increase the brightness of your light. It takes a commitment to instill new habits with regards to diet, and having someone who will commit with you can help tremendously.

The Third Practice to Radiate

Engage in what you love. This can be a hobby or your work. When you lose track of time, you are in the right activity. Your goal is to find the flow and enjoy the moment. When you are in this moment, you radiate a pure light and glow.

The people who you find attractive are radiating a brighter light than you. This is why they are so attractive. When we increase the light we radiate, we will find that our work becomes easier and more people arrive to help us when we need it. It allows us to build amazing relationships when we love life and let our light shine.

Changes may need to be made in your life and, quite honestly, you may have to develop great amounts of courage to get yourself into something new. You may find yourself in a job right now and constantly be saying "Well, I am lucky to have one." And this is true for you. You are lucky and yet, what are you missing? What is it that you would rather be doing, which would really allow you to feel great?

This is what we must be doing right now if we ever want to tackle the life's challenges. We must find what we can engage in, which will allow us to radiate so bright that other people are attracted to and affected by us. When we radiate brightly, someone else radiates more brightly too.

Take back your radiating self and engage full heartedly in life. Remember this acronym for R.A.D.I.A.T.E.








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Matthew Kuehlhorn is America's Mentor for Teens. He has created the Relationship Building System for Teen which is delivered in a compelling, illustrated novel, titled, "Bully."

He invites you to take advantage of an amazing offer for the Relationship Building System online at http://www.rulesoftheroadforteens.com/.

Matthew teaches the "Rules of the Road: Business, Finance, Life" to teenagers who are ready for the "keys" to their life! He offers mentoring programs, online and published resources, and locally organized "Success Clubs." Learn more by visiting his website above.

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